An Intensive, but Accessible Introduction to Linux and DevOps
Want to learn the fundamentals of Linux and an overview of DevOps, but don’t know where to start?
Try this learning path I developed, first for myself, and then for teammates at my company.
This is a self-paced, introductory program, utilizing free tutorials from Learn Enough and a combination of free and paid courses from Linux Academy. If you complete one hour of coursework per day, you can finish this program in less than a month and be prepared to take the LPI Linux Essentials certification exam.
This program assumes little to no prior Linux experience, but some sections are still valuable for those with a working Linux background who may not have DevOps experience. If you find yourself in this category, you may be able to skip the following sections: Linux Operating Systems Fundamentals, Learn Enough Command Line and Linux Essentials.
- Mac or Linux workstation
- $50 for one month of access to Linux Academy
- Some basic familiarity with server infrastructure and IP networking
About Me
I have 13 years of experience in the IT industry. My background is in tech support, Windows systems infrastructure and administration and IT management in the federal government and retail logistics industries. In 2018, I found myself taking on a new challenge as a platform stability and NOC analyst in a DevOps environment at a retail logistics SaaS and eCommerce company. While my Windows infrastructure, support and management background certainly helped me get my foot in the door, I found DevOps to be a whole new beast. After finding myself lost at times in trying to keep up with the language, roles, concepts and utilities in a DevOps environment, I did some research, consulted with some industry peers, and found these resources. They changed everything for me.
Module 1: Linux Foundations
Total time: 4 hours, 36 minutes
Linux Academy Linux Operating Systems Fundamentals (1h 36m)
An introduction to the Linux operating system. Topics include the history of operating systems, the open source movement, basics of a Linux distribution and the various uses of Linux. This course is 100% conceptual, and has no technical activities.
Learn Enough Command Line (1h)
An introduction to the basics of the Unix command line, the foundation of all that is Linux!
Learn Enough Text Editor (1h)
An introduction to the features and capabilities the VIM text editor.
Learn Enough Git (1h)
An introduction to using command-line Git to push and log version changes to a web interface. Teaches and demonstrates the underlying concepts of source control.
Module 2: Linux Essentials
Total time: 18 hours, 5 minutes
LPI Linux Essentials (6h 56m)
Reviews Linux operating system basics before diving into day to day Linux setup and administration tools and tasks. 36% conceptual, 64% hands-on labs.
DevOps Essentials (3h 47m)
Explains the main concepts of DevOps as a culture, as well as the tools used in a DevOps environment. Can be taken concurrently with LPI Linux Essentials.
Git Quick Start (1h 50m)
Expands on Git concepts learned in Module 1, with a 30 minutes hands-on lab.
Source Control with Git (5h 32m)
Expands on Git Quick Start concepts, and connects the concepts to the use of GitHub and GitLab.
Where to from here?
I’m currently working on some pathways for taking your Linux training to the next level. For now, I’d recommend keeping that Linux Academy subscription and taking advantage of learning some networking and system administration, coupled with some courses specializing on DevOps tools or AWS.
Stay tuned!